Saturday 4 February 2017

Sub-Genre Conventions: Camera

In order to make any piece of imagery, be it photographic or

A wide shot, extreme long shot, or more commonly a establishing shot is used simply for the reasoning of setting the scene. You can have a lot more freedom with the positioning of these types of shot. However, from a composition perspective, certain aspects can be purposely placed, especially if they were an important aspect to the experience the viewer gains, per say. 

Since this has been shot outside, we have natural lighting, which can definitely be seen as a bonus, provided this is what is required. Also, being set in a day makes and form of shoot a lot easier as opposed to at night, as this would require artificial lighting, which, though effective, is much harder to work with. One suggestion that could be made for the lighting, is with the reflections shining off the windows. With a different photograph focusing on this issue, this problem has been solved. However, I'll explain that much later on.

Mise-en-scene doesn't apply for this specific shot, however, for a few things it could very well have done. Especially for things such as props and also general setting. Since this is an establishing shot of a school/college, you'd typically expect this to come from something school related. This could be a teenage movie, indie movie or a slice-of-life movie.

For establishing shots, the general shot type would of course be an extreme long shot, to of course set the scene. Since the genre I will be going with is dark drama, the establishing shot would typically be from a high angle or a birds eye view, as these tend to build upon the dramatic feeling that is implied upon viewing. 

Big Close Up

Rule of Thirds 1

Rule of Thirds: Broken

Rule of Thirds: Correct

Rule of Thirds: Centred

Rule of Thirds

Over the shoulder

Fixing Under Exposure


Adjusting the Levels

Adjusting the Levels 2

Adjusting the Levels 3

Fixed Exposure



  1. Some good shots - make sure you fully understand the rule of thirds.

    1. Have I gotten it right so far? If so, I think I get it! :)

  2. I think so! This needs to be retitled as shot composition
