Wednesday 5 October 2016

Secondary Audience

Primary Target Audience

I'm going to quickly recap on the primary target audience; so I can then decide on the secondary target audience. Generally, this shouldn't be all too long of a post, as I already have the primary audience; the secondary audience usually goes by this in a way.

  • Age: 15 - 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Social Grade: E - C1
  • Race:White British
Now that is listed as four simple bullet points, I'll talk about the secondary target audience.

Secondary Target Audience

For my secondary audience; it'll simply be people who do not fit into any of the previously mentioned brackets. 

I'm not going to say that the audience could go anywhere below the age of 15; as the rating of this movie would typically be 15. Though, the secondary audience could definitely be 25+.

Instead of only males being in the target audience, this could be widened to females being the secondary audience.

Social Grade
For social grade, I'd be looking at anyone above the C1 grade; who I didn't include in the primary target audience. This is partially to do with age; as people anywhere above the C1 bracket tend to be mature, and wouldn't find the movie funny, though they could.

For race; the secondary audience would be on a worldwide spectrum, including all other races who could enjoy the movie; though typically wouldn't.

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